SIGN THE PETITION: University of St Andrews to reverse its discriminatory decision to dismiss Rector Stella Maris NOW.

We are shocked by the egregious decision the University of St Andrews has taken to dismiss Rector Stella Maris from the university’s governing body, and from her position as a trustee, after she called for an end to Israel’s genocide and apartheid in November 2023.  

The unconscionable violence Israel has continued to unleash with impunity has so far killed over 40,000 Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, in what has been recognised by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as a plausible case of genocide. In July 2024, the ICJ ruled that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip is unlawful, and that Israel’s actions violate the international prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. The International Criminal Court is also seeking arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister and Defence Minister for crimes against humanity and war crimes, including using starvation as a weapon of war, a view backed by the UN Human Rights Council. 

Rector Stella Maris was elected by students to represent their voice independently, and whilst she maintains the title, she is being prevented from carrying out this duty. Further to undermining academic freedom, her dismissal which a KC-led investigation commissioned by the university concluded would be disproportionate, is the latest instance of the misuse of university disciplinary processes used to target Palestinians and pro-Palestinian voices. This contributes to a chilling effect on campuses, leading staff and students to self-censor.  

Universities should be speaking up for human rights and international law, not seeking to silence those who do. Instead, the university has isolated itself from mainstream legal and human rights consensus, is undermining academic freedom, and seems intended to shield Israel from accountability. 

We stand in solidarity with Rector Stella Maris, and we call on the University of St Andrews to reverse this discriminatory decision, which is inconsistent with its obligation to uphold academic principles. 

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