Ask Newcastle United to Give Puma the Boot
Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which, as documented by Human Rights Watch, includes football clubs based in illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land. Israeli settlements are illegal land grabs that form an integral part of Israel’s occupation infrastructure pushing indigenous Palestinian families off their land, robbing Palestinians of natural resources and denying Palestinians their right of movement.
All Israeli settlements are considered war crimes under international law.

The IFA has refused to take measures to end its complicity in war crimes, despite being repeatedly condemned by UN advisors, dozens of elected officials, civil society and human rights groups representing millions and public figures. More than 200 Palestinian teams have called on Puma to end its support for Israel’s military occupation by terminating its sponsorship deal with the IFA. While Puma did reply to the Palestinian teams, it failed to even remotely address the issues raised.
As one of the world’s top athletic apparel makers, Puma’s sponsorship brings international legitimacy to the IFA and helps keep its direct involvement with violations of human rights and international law off the field.
Newcastle United currently has a kit sponsorship deal with Puma, and as such is in a position of influence. Join us in writing to Newcastle United to pressure Puma to end its complicity in Israeli war crimes - or else end its partnership with them!
All Israeli settlements are considered war crimes under international law.

The IFA has refused to take measures to end its complicity in war crimes, despite being repeatedly condemned by UN advisors, dozens of elected officials, civil society and human rights groups representing millions and public figures. More than 200 Palestinian teams have called on Puma to end its support for Israel’s military occupation by terminating its sponsorship deal with the IFA. While Puma did reply to the Palestinian teams, it failed to even remotely address the issues raised.
As one of the world’s top athletic apparel makers, Puma’s sponsorship brings international legitimacy to the IFA and helps keep its direct involvement with violations of human rights and international law off the field.
Newcastle United currently has a kit sponsorship deal with Puma, and as such is in a position of influence. Join us in writing to Newcastle United to pressure Puma to end its complicity in Israeli war crimes - or else end its partnership with them!