Email British Cycling to drop HSBC as their main sponsor!

Palestinian cyclists have called on British Cycling to end their partnership with HSBC, due to its financing of companies arming Israel.

HSBC invests over £830million worth of shares in military and technology companies that sell weapons and equipment to Israel, including approximately £100million worth of shares in Caterpillar. Caterpillar sells its bulldozers to the Israeli military, which are weaponised and used to demolish Palestinian homes, factories, agricultural land and civilian infrastructure, including water pipes and networks on Palestinian territory assigned by the UN.

On July 22nd 2019, for example, Caterpillar equipment was used in what Amnesty International has labbeled a war crime in the demolition of Palestinian homes in Sur Baher, East Jerusalem.

Caterpillar also provides equipment used to reinforce the illegal Apartheid Wall on the West Bank as well as the wall in Gaza, and for the construction of illegal settlements and settlement infrastructure on stolen Palestinian land. Israel’s occupation, illegal settlements and military regime often result in entrenched obstacles for cyclists in Palestine by restricting their freedom of movement and causing severe and also fatal injuries.

British Cycling has an obligation to show moral leadership and to not endorse HSBC’s complicity in Israel’s war crimes.

Tell British Cycling to drop HSBC as their main sponsor and partner!

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